Non-doing: A Workshop with Pedro de Alcantara

February 24 & 25, 2018

Enhance your capacity to stay calm and open-minded in daily life.  

Discover the pleasures of letting go of worries, pains, and blockages.

Tap into your inexhaustible inner strengths.


What: Two separate but linked days of creative games designed to open your mind and free your creativity.

When: Saturday & Sunday, February 24 & 25, 2018. From 2 to 7 PM, with a tea break. Bonus: on Monday, February 26 from 10 AM to 1 PM: optional Practice Lab. At no extra fee, come play with your new creative tools in the company of your new friends!

Where? Studio Bleu, 7/9 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris. Métros Château d'eau (line 4) or Strasbourg-Saint Denis (lines 4, 8 and 9). The Studio Bleu is on the first floor of the building sandwiched between the Franprix supermarket and the New Morning jazz club.

For Whom: Anyone interested in skills of observation, creativity, mindfulness, and adaptability. Limited to 12 participants. Past participants have included artists, musicians, singers, writers, health professionals, public speakers, and creative individuals. No previous experience needed.

How Much: Each day costs €120. Take both days and receive a discount: €200 instead of €240. Payment ensures your registration. Cancellations are cost-free up to February 20 when payments become non-refundable unless someone else takes your place. Please email me for more information or to register. 



1.   “Nothing.” Our minds tend to be crowded by assumptions, worries, and judgments, with inevitable effects on our behaviors in daily life. We’ll practice a series of exercises that allow us to un-crowd our minds until “nothing is there.” Then we can start having fresh, useful, creative, and constructive thoughts.

2.  Breathing. We’ll practice a series of exercises that help you breathe without even having to think about breathing.

3.   The Invisible Helper. The way you perceive yourself in space determines how big or small you are, how awkward or graceful, how healthy or wobbled. We'll practice a series of exercises that will change your self-perception and give you strength, breadth, width, and stability.

4. Latency. The more abilities you have in reserve, the less you have to fret about how to do something, since the solution is already stocked in your reserves. We'll practice the art of learning skills externally, internalizing them, and have them deeply rooted in yourself.