Musician@Work: Creativity & Health


Paris, Saturday December 16, 2023

Send me an email if you have questions or if you’d like to register.

What? Not a performance workshop, but a space to talk, sing, play, listen, share, explore and learn.  I'll be proposing a number of playful exercises and situations to sharpen your listening skills.

When? Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 4 PM to 7 PM.

For Whom? Musicians, singers, conductors, composers, improvisers and music teachers of all levels, including beginners. Limited to 8 participants.

Where? Studio Bleu, 7/9 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris. Metro Château d'eau (line 4, four-minute walk) or Strasbourg-Saint Denis (lines 4, 8 and 9, six or seven-minute walk). Studio Bleu is on the second floor of the building between the Franprix supermarket and the New Morning jazz club.

How much? €60 per participant. Payment (bank transfer, PayPal, cheque, cash . . .) guarantees you a place. Cancellation with refund is possible until December 9.