Musician@Work: A Workshop with Pedro de Alcantara

February 24 & 25, 2024

What: Healthy music making comes from the paradoxical combination of a serious purpose and a light-hearted approach to practicing and performing, working to high standards without letting judgment and self-doubt impede your progress.

This workshop is suited to everyone, including complete beginners and concert artists. The only requirement to participate is the willingness to be in a group of friendly, like-minded creative explorers, and the willingness to perform at least one little thing for the group.


When: Saturday & Sunday, February 24 & 25, 2024. From 10 AM to 1 PM.

Where? Studio Bleu, 7/9 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris. Métros Château d'eau (line 4, a three-minute walk) or Strasbourg-Saint Denis (lines 4, 8 and 9, a six-minute walk). The Studio Bleu is on the first floor of the building sandwiched between the Franprix supermarket and the New Morning jazz club.

For Whom: Musicians, singers, conductors, and music teachers at any skill level. This isn’t a performance workshop but a space to talk, sing, play, listen, share, explore, learn, laugh, and enjoy. Limited to 8 participants.

How Much: €180. Payment ensures registration. Please email me for more information or to register.